Here Comes Spring Pollen, Dirt, And Grime: Sonic Soak Will Keep You And Your Gear Clean All Season


[dropcap]G[/dropcap]erms, and dirt, and grime are literally everywhere. Whether you are constantly on the go or simply at home with the kids, the things you wear and use every day come in contact with at least one of these three daily visitors. From unforgiving Spring pollen to the nasty mud tracked in from your favorite family memories, properly finding ways to keep your gear clean, can be tricky.

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Want a little proof? According to a study conducted by the University of Arizona, some of the clothing that you wear every day contains 421,000 units of bacteria, and you track that into your home. While during the high time in Spring there could be up to 10,000 pollen grains of per cubic meter of air in your home, getting on your clothes and gear.

As you probably know, keeping yourself and your family clean is a high priority as you take on your daily adventures, especially in the upcoming summer can be tricky. Yet, there is an engineered tool to make your life a little bit easier. If you appreciate how modern technology and engineering can improve your life, you should add the Sonic Soak Ultrasonic Cleaning Tool to your daily life.

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Ultrasonic Cleaning

Dirt ridden kids clothes? On the go and need a quick clean? Need to clean your vegetables? The Sonic Soak has got you covered. The Sonic Soak’s unique design and engineering can easily clean all of your daily objects with the power of ultrasonic waves.

For the uninitiated, Sonic Soak is the newest in evolution in washing technology that utilizes ultrasonic technology to provide a deep cleaning as you have never seen before. Sonic Soak’s ultrasonic technology helps provide you with a deeper clean, saved time, water and energy.

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So How Does it Work?

Perhaps you were out on a business trip and while enjoying your day your favorite, good luck, the shirt got a little dirty. No need to panic. Extremely portable, the engineering minds behind the Sonic Soak wanted to create a device that revolutionizes cleanliness and hygiene in our daily lives.

Producing 50,000 Ultrasonic vibrations per second, these modulated ultrasonic waves travel through water to clean at a microscopic level, helping you clean up your favorite shirt easily, waving goodbye to any dirt.

These sound waves create microscopic high-pressure bubbles to wash away dirt, grime, and oils from the intended area by simply placing the device and your intended cleaning object in the water.

While at home, your laundry contains 500,000 bacteria per tablespoon and your underwear 0.1 grams of fecal matter. The Sonic Soak and help provide an even deeper clean than what you get from a traditional washing machine. However, you can clean much more than clothes with the Sonic Soak.

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What will you clean?

Due to the technology available in the device and extreme portability, Sonic Soak is great for clothing while out on the road and for a host of items that you use on a daily basis. Maybe you just picked up some delicious fresh fruit but want to make sure it is clean before you serve your family? Sonic Soak will have your food spotless.

Or, maybe you have some old jewelry laying around this ultrasonic jewelry cleaner has got you covered. The ultrasonic cleaning abilities do not end here. Watches, glasses, razors, jewelry, silverware, and even baby items can all be cleaned gently but effectively with the ultrasonic power sonic power of the sonic wave. So, of course, the next question you have is how to use it?

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Using Sonic Soak

Sonic Soak is a tailored solution for campers, travelers, and small home dwellers. Think of Sonic Soak as the world’s smallest laundry machine, weighing less than 4 ounces and measuring less than 5 inches.

To get started using your ultrasonic cleaning machine, simply fill up your sink or bowl with water, plug in the wall unit, put your dirty items and Sonic Soak in the water, and finally set the timer, press start, and watch as your sonic soak gives them a deep and thorough clean.

The Sonic Soak is completely silent during use not to disturb your roommates. Even more so, the Ultrasonic cleaning device is extremely eco-friendly using 40x less water and 15x less energy than standard washing machines. Not to mention Sonic Soak is made with high-quality medical grade stainless steel, ensuring your portable washing machine will last you a lifetime.

Spring is here and summer is just right around the corner, meaning you or your family will be outside more than ever enjoying the changing of the seasons. With more travel and activities comes dirt, pollen grime and tons of accidents waiting to happen. Sonic Soak will help you get clean even in the stickiest of situations this summer.


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