Samm Newman’s body-positive selfie went viral after Instagram deleted it and flagged her account. Newman loved Instagram, but after the souring incident she said the company was discriminating against her based on her size. She’s not the only one who’s been unfairly flagged for “inappropriate content.” Below, a collection of women who’ve been removed from Instagram or Facebook for posting amazingly inspiring pics.
Ashlee Wells Jackson’s photo project 4th Trimester Bodies celebrates women’s post-pregnancy bodies. But Facebook and Instagram have continually shut down the project’s accounts, making it difficult for the project to stay alive. (See Robin above.)
1. Hailey

4. Joanne Jackson
Jackson posted a picture of her mastectomy scars to Facebook to share her story. But this image was flagged as offensive and removed from the site.
5. Mandy Allender
Allender’s Instagram account was disabled after she posted this breastfeeding photo. Losing over 4,000 images, she created a new account where her photos are continuously deleted.
6. Heather Bays
Bays’s Instagram account was suspended after she posted this breastfeeding photo. Though her account has been reinstated, she says several other photos of her children have been removed.
7. Samm Newman
Newman says Instagram deleted her account after she posted this photo. She believes this is size discrimination, after seeing pictures of smaller women wearing much less that have never been flagged.
8. Meghan Tonjes
After Tonjes posted the below photo to her Instagram, it was removed due to Instagram’s mature content rule. After online outrage, Instagram sent Meghan an apology and restored the photo.
9. Breastfeeding Mama Talk Forum
The Facebook page for nursing mothers has been removed and has since been reinstated.
(via Cosmopolitan)