Certain communities have code words for stuff that are known to only those “who know”. Here are some for the gay community.
1. “Work”
What it usually means: Mental or physical activity as a means of earning income; employment.
What it means to gay men: A congratulatory declaration of support, praise or approval usually yelled with passion. Made popular by RuPaul; appropriated into pop culture by gay icon Britney Spears.
2. “High School”

What it usually means: A school that typically comprises grades 9 through 12, attended after primary school or middle school.
What it means to gay men: Four long years of trying to enjoy making out with girls.
3. “Girlfriend”

What it usually means: A regular female companion with whom a person has a romantic or sexual relationship.
What it means to gay men: Any of your female BFFs who ignorantly call you their “GBF” and/or constantly ask you to go shopping with them.
4. “Sunday”

What it usually means: The day of the week before Monday, often observed as a day of rest and religious worship.
What it means to gay men: The funday of the week before Monday, often observed as the last day of the week to work before your actual work week starts.
5. “Top”

What it usually means: The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something.
What it means to gay men: The man who gives during intercourse as opposed toreceiving. *Passes the lube*
6. “Bottom”

What it usually means: The lowest point or part of something.
What it means to gay men: The brave man who receives during intercourse as opposed to giving. POWER BOTTOMS UNITE!
7. “Flip-Flop”

What it usually means: A light sandal, typically of plastic or rubber, with a thong between the big and second toe.
What it means to gay men: The act of switching between topping and bottoming during intercourse. Cheers to being versatile!
8. “Slay”

What it usually means: To kill something in a violent way.
What it means to gay men: To completely dominate something in an epic fashion leaving the people around you utterly flabbergasted and unworthy of your presence.
9. “Woof”

What it usually means: The barking sound made by a dog.
What it means to gay men: A term of endearment used in the gay community to describe someone who is hot, sexy, or fine. Like an excited puppy when he sees his master.
10. “Queen”

What it usually means: The female ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.
What it means to gay men: A flamboyant and sassy gay man. Always FABULOUS.
11. “Bear”

What it usually means: A large, heavy, mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, with thick fur and a very short tail.
What it means to gay men: A classification of a hairy gay man who has a large body type. Like if John Goodman was gay, he’d totally be a bear.
12. “Twinkie/Twink”

What it usually means: A small finger-shaped sponge cake with a white synthetic cream filling.
What it means to gay men: An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. Usually found hairless in the wild by means of shaving and/or using Nair all over the body.
13. “Daddy”

What it usually means: One’s father or the oldest, best, or biggest example of something.
What it means to gay men: A typically older, financially established gay man (usually whom you’d like to be sexually involved with). Exhibit Gay: Andy Cohen.
14. “Beard”

What it usually means: A growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man’s face.
What it means to gay men: A woman used as a cover to hide a closeted man’s homosexuality.
15. “Shade”

What it usually means: A spot of darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight.
What it means to gay men: To insult or give attitude towards someone in a confident manner. Usually thrown.
16. “Scruff”

What it usually means: Adjective used to describe the facial hair stubble on a man’s face.
What it means to gay men: A gay social networking app to meet other gay men when Grindr just isn’t working out anymore. *Unlocks pictures*
17. “Family”

What it usually means: A group of people who are related to each other.
What it means to gay men: Terminology used to refer to anyone else who is also gay. Much like Olive Garden, “When you’re queer, you’re family.”
18. “Bye”

What it usually means: A term used when parting from someone or used at the end of a conversation.
What it means to gay men: A term used prior to walking away from a conversation in an agressive manner when you literally just can’t anymore.
19. “Out”

What it usually means: Not at home or at one’s place of work.
What it means to gay men: Having your sexuality finally known to everyone in your life, giving you the freedom to finally become true to yourself.