[dropcap]S[/dropcap]uspect your partner? First of all let me tell you that I am very sorry, something similar happened to me a long time ago and I understand how you should feel. Having suspicions and doubts in your head is the worst thing that can happen to you, I would dare to say that it is even worse than knowing the truth. Doubts are able to not let you live your life in a normal way, you are all anxious and it is difficult to concentrate on your work and your happiness.
For this reason, if you know that your partner may be being unfaithful, it is imperative to know the truth. You need to see or hear tangible evidence to be clear about your current situation. The tips mentioned below can help you catch your partner if you are being unfaithful.
Monitor your online activity
It is necessary to keep track of your spouse’s activity online to find evidence of any infidelity. It is advisable to install a program to spy on computers. This program allows you to review all sent and received emails, obtain passwords, read chat messages, read conversations on Facebook and Twitter, view photos and videos, etc. There can’t be a simpler solution to catch your unfaithful spouse.
Spy the cell phone
Obviously if your partner wants to stay in communication throughout the day, you will have to send and receive information through your cell phone. In this case, the most advisable is to install a program to spy cell phones on your partner’s cell phone and start receiving a copy of the entire information that goes through your cell phone. The program is useful to catch a cheater. If your partner is being unfaithful, it is almost impossible not to discover anything compromising using either of these two techniques described above.
Follow your partner
A simple but sure way to discover if your partner cheats you is to follow him/her when he/she thinks you are at work, at home or at the supermarket. Of course you can waste a lot of time following your partner in false starts and it is possible to hire a private investigator. In comparison, a spy program installed on your cell phone or computer works all the time, without you having to supervise it, and sometimes you will not find anything, but if your partner is unfaithful, there is a good chance that it will capture the evidence you are looking for.
Surprise your partner in your work
One of the oldest strategies is to surprise your partner at your workplace. You may not get strong evidence, but at least you’ll have some clues just by observing his/her behavior. If your partner is working on a schedule that is not normal (like at night), then even better. A good excuse is to bring a nice lunch or dinner to your work to avoid any questions about your intentions.
Hopefully the above tips can help you but you need to remember that trust is everything in a relationship.