Producing a high-quality challenge coin is not an easy thing to do. It involves various steps until the customers receive the coin. Vivipins as a challenge coin company has some tricks to produce high-quality challenge coins.
High-Quality Materials
The material of the coin becomes the main concern before creating a challenge coin. There are several materials which commonly used to create a coin such as zinc alloy, copper, or brass. The best and the most common material used is zinc alloy. The main reason is that the material makes the coin durable and it is suitable for the other materials. As the result, the coin is not only durable but also perfect in design and detail. The goal is to make the customers use the challenge coin long lasting.
The Technology
The use of technology is also an important aspect to produce a stunning challenge pin. The latest technology which used to produce high-quality challenge pins is known as die casting technology. The technology works by forcing the molten metal under the high pressure. The purpose of the process is to create a mold cavity. Moreover, the die casting technology is suitable for some materials including zinc alloy, copper, aluminum, magnesium, lead, and pewter.
The Design
The third thing to consider while producing a stunning challenging pin is the design. The more designs offered, the customers are able to choose the best one before creating a pin. There are several designs commonly offered to the customers such as military navy, soft enamel, gold coin, antique coin, and many more. Nowadays, the customers are also able to order a colorful, 3D, and double-sided challenge pin. The challenge coin is made with a specific detail to make it an eye-catching coin.
The Color Option
The color of the coin is also an important consideration while creating a perfect challenging coin. There are several common colors applied to the coins. Those are including silver, gold, bronze, metal color, and custom color for the specific request.
The Detail
The detail of the coin is also important because people want to see it. The detail is strongly related to the symbol used on the coin. By seeing the symbol of the coin, whether the one who orders and the receiver can feel the message and the spirit through the challenge coin. For example, there is a coin which designed with a handshake, peace, and unity symbols. Those symbols to show the unity and peace from the givers to the receivers. The symbol also shows the level of the coin. For instance, there is a coin which designed for the Directorate of Security and Defence Cooperation, the U.S. Navy, Antiterrorism, and Physical Security Department, and corps. Some specific symbols are applied as the sign of dedication, support, and patriotism.
In the end, you know the things to do to produce a high-quality challenge coin. It involves a sophisticated process and technology. A reputable challenge coin company will follow the step above while serving their customer. It takes time and energy but in the end, the result is worth it just like what you want to see, right?