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Monday, June 17, 2024


Wires | The Trent

5644 POSTS

Congolese Nun Working With Spanish Missionaries In Liberia Dies Of Ebola

(AFP) – A Congolese nun who worked with Spanish Catholic missionaries in Liberia has died of Ebola, the charity she worked for said Saturday...

Ladies, 9 Ways To Help Your Man Eat Healthier

If you’re a kale-and-quinoa kind of gal with a meat-and-potatoes-loving man, you likely wish you could get a few more greens into his diet....

Surprise As Fishing Boat Nets A Small Plane With A Body Inside (PHOTOS)

The crew aboard a New Zealand fishing boat Thursday hauled up a surprising and gruesome catch: a small plane with a body inside. Authorities suspect...

16-Year-Old Weightlifter Amalaha Failed Doping Test Because Of ‘Drinking Zobo’ – Coach

Treasurer of Nigeria Weighlifting Coaches Association, Andrew Ekanem has revealed that Chika Amalaha, who was stripped of her gold medal after testing positive to...

Russia Extends Residency For US Intelligence Fugitive Edward Snowden

AFP - Fugitive US intelligence operative Edward Snowden has been granted a three-year residence permit in Russia, his Russian lawyer said at a press...

Boko Haram Plans More Attacks, Recruits Many Young People

AFP – The Nigerian Islamist movement Boko Haram has recruited and trained hundreds of young Cameroonians to carry out attacks in their own country,...

Ebola: US Orders Families Of Embassy Staff In Liberia To Return To America

AFP – The United States ordered the families of embassy staff in Liberia to return home Thursday, as West Africa struggles to cope with...

#ForTheRecords: Full Text Of President Obama’s Speech Announcing Airstrikes Against ISIS In Iraq

Good evening. Today I authorized two operations in Iraq -- targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to help save...

WHO Declares Ebola Epidemic A Global Emergency

AFP - The World Health Organisation on Friday declared the killer Ebola epidemic ravaging parts of west Africa an international health emergency and appealed...

US Takes Control Of $480 Million Abacha Loot, To Be Returned To Nigerian Gov’t

AFP - The United States Justice Department said Thursday it had won legal control of nearly a half-billion dollars worth of corrupt gains hidden...

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