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Monday, June 17, 2024



Okechukwu Ofili: The Satirical Wizard Of Duhs – A Somehow Original #Nigeria Fairytale

Once upon a time in a far away town of Chibok … there lived a little girl called Dorothy Haruna. Dorothy lived in Chibok with her...

First Person: What It Feels Like To Be Raped And Have Your Town Turn Against You

by Emma Hanrahan Six years ago on Saturday, September 13, my life changed forever. I was in my first couple of weeks of college and I...

Opinion: Why You Should Stop Hating On Kim Kardashian

There are more than a few people on Twitter telling Kim Kardashian to “have some class” or “think about what you’re teaching young girls”...

Opinion: Princess Stella Oduah Deserves Anambra North Senatorial Seat

by Charles Nwachukwu The proverbial tale of the Tortoise who went to his in-law’s house to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage, but got...

By 2050, Sex Will Be Just For Fun Not For Procreation – Expert Predicts (READ)

The 91-year-old Austrian-American chemist and author, who invented contraceptive pill, Prof Carl Djerassi had on Sunday, November 9, 2014, predicted that by 2050, sex...

Top 5 Reasons Why Young Christians, Some Pastors Don’t Vote And Avoid Politics

by Shane Idleman In my opinion, failure to recognize diverse gifts may explain why many people are divided on the issue of religion and politics....

Femi Aribisala: You Cannot Love Your Wife And Love Jesus Christ

by Femi Aribisala The love we are expected to have for God does not permit any other love.  As a matter of fact, if we...

Opinion: Oh, What A Tangled Web Lagos Gov’t Weaves At The Synagogue Inquest

by Marelise Van der Merwe Recent revelations have left questions about the credibility of the witnesses at the Lagos State Government Inquest into The Synagogue...

Jonathan Stack: Why We Need World Vasectomy Day

by Jonathan Stack I met Dr. Doug Stein while making a documentary about my own complex journey through fatherhood. His vasectomy missions to Third World...

‘You’re Pretty for a Dark-Skinned Girl’: The Continuing Significance of Skin Tone In The African Community

by J. N Salter "There's a rapper, I've forgotten his name, he just did a video recently and on the call sheet for auditions, he...

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