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New York
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Elite Blogs

Dr Boyce: Is There Something Wrong With Being A “Ride-Or-Die Chick?”

Hardcore feminism sometimes seems to push the uncomfortable notion that men and women are equal and the same in every dimension, and that alluding...

Alkasim Abdulkadir: Tragedy Fatigue In A Season Of Funerals [The Trent Voices]

The past few have seen an escalation in the tragic onslaught on non combatants in the North Eastern corner of Nigeria. In its violent...

Beyond The Carnage: A Tribute To The Fallen Young Angels Of Yobe

by Patrick Oguejiofor I am yet to get over my emotions over the butchery of estimated 59 pupils of the Federal Government College, Buni Yadi,...

Opinion: Homosexuality Campaign – A New Form Of Western Imperialism

by Disu Kamor In a recent article in the UK’s The Guardian newspaper (published on Tuesday 25 February 2014), Martin Plaut, the senior research fellow...

Gimba Kakanda: Nigeria’s Dire Situation Doesn’t Need Our Social ‘Briefcase’ Media Activism

by Gimba Kakanda It was a sad day. I was sad for the innocent kids murdered in Yobe, just a few days after 20 girls were...

Reno Omokri: Social Media In The Jonathanian Age

Increasingly, Social Media status is depending on how many friends you have on Facebook or how many followers you have on Twitter and so...

Opinion: Why Most Conventional Wisdom About Love Is Bullsh*t (READ)

by Mark Radcliffe We all have our own romanticized notions of what it will be like when we find true love. We imagine how it'll go....

Temitope Talabi: The Church Of Jesus Christ [The Trent Voices]

Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the forces” The...

Wole Soyinka: Centenary Award – I Reject My Share Of This National Insult

The sheer weight of indignation and revulsion of most of Nigerian humanity at the recent Boko Haram atrocity in Yobe is most likely to...

Chukwudi Madu: $100 Church Gift – Would Jesus Approve Of A ‘Dollar Rain’ In The Church?

In most medieval movies where magic, oracles, ancient gods and other spiritual stuff are emphasized, we see where warnings and prophecies about impending danger...

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