This week, I wrote an article titled “Here Are 3 Reasons Why Cheating Shouldn’t Always Be a Deal Breaker.” As I expected, I received a number of complaints from a slew of women about the nature of the article, which led them to question my integrity as a female writer. The reason why I anticipated women to be upset with me over that piece is because we tend to have a very hard time thinking logically. Our overwhelming presence of emotions oftentimes clouds our ability to see things the way they are. This why it’s not uncommon for women fall in love with a moron and waste many years of their lives trying to “change” him. Operating on our emotions can sometimes be to our detriment, which is why it is imperative for us to train our brains to accept logic.
I just finished a conversation with a friend who has been married to his beautiful wife for five years. He expressed his growing frustrations with her lack of interest in sex, which is sadly a common complaint amongst married men. What’s even sadder than the absence of sex in a marriage is the woman’s uncompromising attitude towards it. My friend told me that he’d asked his wife, as respectfully as he could, if she’d consider allowing him to have sεx with someone else. And as expected, she scolded him and said “I don’t share my man.” I have a public service announcement for all of the women who proclaim that they don’t “share their man” but refuse to engage in intimacy with him: Either compromise or be compromised. The choice is yours.
It is my belief and hope that any respectable man would prefer to have sex with the woman he married, but when his sole source of intimacy closes up and decides to shut down, what is he supposed to do? Do you honestly expect him to suffer in silence while you continue to reap the benefits of the hard work he puts into the marriage? What if your husband told you that he no longer wants to go to work and provide for his family but refuses to allow you to work? How would you react? What would you do? While I am not encouraging you to be your husband’s sex slave, I am encouraging you to uphold your responsibility as a loving, caring wife. If your husband has expressed concern over the absence of intimacy in the marriage, it is your responsibility — as a loving, caring wife — to address his concerns, even if requires a compromise on both of your parts.
The quickest way to send your man running to another woman is to tell him that you do not wish to be intimate with him and that he should just “deal with it.” You’re a big girl now. Stop the overly dramatic, emotionally-charged games. If you don’t want to learn to think logically and compromise in a relationship, marriage is not for you.