We’ve all seen strange things happen in our churches and the churches of others. This might be one of the strangest things we’ve ever seen. It’s tragic to discuss, but somewhat uplifting when you consider that this man had an extraordinary life and died in a moment of “Happy-ness.” Let’s get to the story.
A fruitful Sunday sermon concluded in a saddening incident when a pastor, after singing the smash-hit song, “Happy” by Pharell Williams, suddenly collapsed and died right in the pulpit.
Pastor Gordon A Humphrey was a member of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago and lost his life suddenly for reasons that are still uncertain.
According to the report by Christian Post, the minister was preaching when he surprisingly dropped to his feet. Witnesses believe that it was a heart attack which led to the pastor’s demise. As the pastor collapsed, the congregants called the authorities for health assistance. However, the paramedics could no longer revive him.

Co-pastor Greg Hunter shares in the mourning of the people Pastor Humphrey left behind. In his statement, he assures the public that the pastor’s last moments on Earth were allotted for the things that he loved doing. He died serving the Lord through his ministry and teaching people the word of God.
Apart from the Church in Chicago, two other churches where Humphrey pastors also take part in the grief of the loss. They include the Olivet Church in Stockton, California, and the Olivet of Oakland. They are now in search of the pastor’s replacement.
After the untimely tragedy, help came not only through visits and financial support. Messages of condolences also flooded the Shiloh Missionary Facebook page. Various members of other Churches shared posts of the sorrow for demise of the beloved preacher.
Maybe this is a reminder that we are all living on God’s time, and you never know when you’re going to be called to heaven. So, because you don’t know what day will be your last, make sure you spend the remainder of your days being HAPPY. May the pastor rest in peace.
(Hattip: Charisma News)