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New York
Saturday, June 15, 2024



15 Ridiculous Sexual Things Guys Actually Think Ladies Do When They’re Not Around

This Never Really Happens Even the most rational men harbor irrational fantasies about what women do when they’re alone. We can blame porn for making...

‘It’s because I have lost the urge for sex’: 69-Year-Old Woman Says Husband Wants To Divorce Her

NAN - A 69-year-old housewife, Mrs Simbiatu Oduntan, on Wednesday, March 25, 2014 told an Orile Agege Customary Court in Lagos that her husband,...

3 Ways Women Contributed to Making Sex Meaningless

What appears to be many moons ago, men and women would sleep together solely for the purpose of creating something. That something was usually a...

13 Problems Men Have With Their ‘Balls’

by Frank Kobola Women have their own share of physiological problems, but it's not often you stop to think about just how hard it can...

4 Ways To Spice Things Up In The BEDROOM

Let’s be honest: we’ve all had that moment – be it a birthday, anniversary or just the second Saturday of the month – where...

17 Best Places For Fun, Spontaneous And Adventurous Sex [EXPLICIT CONTENT]

Almost everyone has a secret bucket list of the best places for a spontaneous intimate experience they are looking to accomplish. Sometimes you want...

Couple’s Threeway Sex Session Ends With A Bang, Wife Shoots Gun In Jealous Rage (PICTURED)

David and Mindi Rice invited a 24-year-old female friend, whose name has not been released, to their home in Zephyrhills in Pasco County, Florida. The...

8 Weird Things People Do After An Orgasm

While it's perfectly normal to be weird, what you do after sex is just as important as what you do during. Not to pull...

7 Surprisingly Common Sex Injuries

Have you Have you ever suffered from these common sex injuries? It seems everything from broken bones to sprains and scratches are possible after...

VIDEO: How To Get Your Sexual Partner To Be More Adventurous In Bed? [EXPLICIT CONTENT]

Sex professor Dr. Debby Herbenick talks about how you can get your sexual partner to be more sexually adventurous in bed. https://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1

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