[dropcap]R[/dropcap]etirement is such a crucial phase of everyone’s lives. In fact, our entire lives revolve around saving up to finally retire into a life that suits us. There are several pension plans that can fulfill our dream retirement. If the dream is to retire abroad, these are the places you must know about.

A little hidden country in the books of the Mediterranean caused much ferocity over the internet recently with a content blogger bringing the country’s beautiful ambience to light on a popular content website.
Post that internet sensationalism, Malta has gained much popularity as the perfect vacation country, and rightly so! This archipelago with a sparse population of friendly people will make you never want to leave. With a cost of living at just $2000 and an 86% healthcare rate, Malta is a dream country for those seeking retirement abroad.

France is synonymous to every person’s dream destination. What better way to achieve that dream than to live the entirety of your retired life in it? A perfect way to utilize your pension plans is to spend it in the romance of Paris. Saint-Chinian in France is also a popular city for retirees. Located in Southern France, the cost of living amounts to $1,800 and is abundant in fine wines.
Cities in Ireland like Killarney thrive in a population of retirees from the world. The place ranks high on safety, health, and cleanliness. If your pension plan involves living a Shakespearean life with horse-drawn carriages, greenery all around, and local produce to feed on, Ireland is a dream destination to retire abroad.
The Himalayan Country of Bhutan is a retiree’s paradise. Life is slow and plentiful, and happiness is easy to find. Did you know that Bhutan is the only country in the World that measure the “Gross Annual Happiness” of its citizens?
If your retirement plan involves a secluded life with a garden to tend to, Bhutan is the place to retire abroad. The cost of living is extremely affordable, the countrymen are kind.

Another retiree-friendly country is Portugal. If your retirement pension plan involves getting the best of history, architecture, and the salty ocean Portugal is an excellent country to retire abroad. Lisbon and the Algarve are well known cities occupied by expatriates. The country’s senior citizen welfare is efficient and it even provides up to 50% discounts on train tickets for citizens above 65 years of age.

On the isthmus between North America and South America, lies the country of Panama. It is a well-loved city among the retired generation. A glimpse of life in panama shows expatriates living in harmony making the best use of their pension plans tending to vegetable gardens, and enjoying outdoor activities especially water sports. Coronado is the most popular city in Panama for retiring abroad. The city boasts of well-established health care facilities, routine checkups, and a tax system that will allow retirees to survive almost tax-free in the city.

Malaysia might be a popular honeymoon destination, but the International Living Magazine rates it among the best 25 countries to retire abroad. Malaysia’s healthcare stands at an astounding 94%, the highest among all 25 countries listed. With a cost of living at just $1,500, senior citizens can even save their pension while living a comfortable retired life abroad.
Thailand is the place to be for all ages. With an exuberant culture bubbling with life and energy, Thailand takes care of every age group and is a perfect place to spend your retired life abroad in perpetual entertainment. Thailand provides special discounts on entertainment and travel to every person above the age of 60. Thailand also boasts of a healthcare rating of 89%, and state-of-the-art health services including wholesome meals, homely hospitals, and regular health surveillance. The cost of living stands at approximately $ 1,800. Some well-known cities for retirees include Hua Hun, Phuket, and Chiang Mai.

Sure Spain may be a place to live “La vida Loca”, but not many know that it is an ideal country to retire abroad. With one of the lowest crime rates in the world, a moderate climate and the love for Food that echoes with the spirit, there is no reason why Spain shouldn’t be on everybody’s pension plans to retire abroad. Healthcare is free, the landscape is scenic, and the expat community thrives. Spend your pension plan enjoying a Garcia-like solitude, and the afternoon siestas that all of Spain swears by.