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Sunday, October 6, 2024

30 Bankable Signs You’re Going To Be Highly Successful

Must read

by Amorei Lim | Life Hack

We all wanted to be the successful people we see in magazines, in newspapers, and on the internet. What qualities do these successful people possess that bring them to their success? All successful people have a set of characteristics and threads that enable them to succeed.

Here are 30 signs that show you are going to be highly successful:

1. You can adapt to change.

There will be times when you know you have to change, in order to move forward when things are not working as well as they use to. You are not affected negatively by any changes that come your way, instead you adapt to the change and are flexible about it.

2. You are not one to complain.

You recognize that complaining is energy draining and it does not bring you to accomplishing any productive solutions in your situation. You choose to focus on resolving the problem instead.

3. You spend your time productively.

You manage your time properly and you are always on time in your meetings and appointments. You plan your time productively so that you can utilize it effectively to accomplish your goals.

4. You are self motivated.

You constantly take action and take initiatives without having to be pushed by others.

5. You never hesitate to do more.

You are willing to do more than the job you have been given. You know that doing more is an opportunity for you to practice more, and also a way to build your reputation.

6. You are willing to help others.

You understand that everybody needed help at some point. As long as you are able, you are willing to lend a helping hand to others.

7. You forgive.

You do not hold grudges or resent the people who have hurt you in the past. You take the experience as a lesson to be learned and thank them for making you a stronger person.

8. You are happy with the success of others.

You are happy to celebrate their accomplishments. It is a motivator for you.

9. You take every obstacle as a learning opportunity.

You grab the opportunity to learn whenever you face a challenge, because you know that you will gain something from it.

10. You love being around successful people.

You like hanging with successful people — they inspire you and you can gain insight from them.

11. You love unconditionally.

You love to give and you love with no boundary. You know that loving unconditionally is the key to true happiness. You are the happiest when the people you love are happy.

12. You take on responsibilities and never blame.

You recognize that blaming means you are not in control of your situation, so you choose to take control by being responsible for your situation instead.

13. You love learning new things.

Learning is always one of your top priorities. You know that continually gaining knowledge and information is crucial in order to be up to date in today’s society, so you will never be clueless about what is going on around you.

14. You are curious about other people.

You like to get to know others, as you know that you can always learn from their experiences and gain knowledge from them.

15. You always aim to do better.

You always look towards becoming better at what you do, so you are excited to improve yourself at any given chance.

16. You are willing to let go.

You know that dwelling in the past is unproductive so you let go of what you can’t change, and change what you are able.

17. You are fearless.

You understand that fear is a choice, and you refuse to let fear drag you down. Instead, you choose to be strong and overcome your fear with strength and positivity.

18. You question what you don’t know.

You ask when you are not certain about something. You don’t just leave the question unsolved and slips away, instead you will ask someone who has the information or you will look up the information yourself.

19. You see things in a few different perspectives.

You come out with a few different perspectives to resolve your issue. You are not stuck with one perspective, because you know that in order to resolve your issue, you need to see things in a few different directions so that you can have a clearer view of where you are standing and where you can go.

20. You work well with others.

You love working with others, and are cooperative. You know the importance of support when accomplishing bigger goals.

21. You are passionate about your pursuits.

You love what you do, and you enjoy every moment you spend working on your pursuit.

22. You understand your strengths and weaknesses.

You recognize what you are good at and polish your strengths. You acknowledge your weaknesses and work to improve them.

23. You acknowledge your mistakes.

You are willing to admit to your fault, and you work harder to be better the next time.

24. You understand the pain of others.

You are compassionate to their suffering. You are able to see their point of view and understand where they are coming from.

25. You are content.

You are grateful for what you have, and thankful to the people who have helped you along the way.

26. You never give up.

Giving up is not an option for you. You know that as long as you keep fighting, you will get to where you want to be someday.

27. You believe in yourself.

You understand that there will always be ups and downs in life, but you strongly believe that your vision and goals will be achieved eventually.

28. You don’t care what others think of you.

You understand that no matter what you do, there will always be negative people around, and you are not going to be affected by their judgements as long as you know what you are doing is right for you.

29. You take criticism positively.

Criticism is for you, a great resource to improve yourself. You don’t take it personally, and instead, you use it as a guideline to better yourself.

30. You love the person you see in your mirror.

You love yourself. You know the importance of self-love, that in order to be loved by others, you have to love yourself first.

You might not see yourself having all 30 signs at this moment, but don’t worry. You definitely already have some of the qualities right now, and as long as you are constantly working to improve yourself, you will eventually get to the rest of the list. Keep moving positively and you will get better as you go.

Amorie Lim is the cofounder of Amorie Lim International, Certified Professional Coach, communication adviser and trainer. She has been working with businesses, individuals and families in achieving the desired communication outcome to resolve conflicts in achieving personal and professional goals. Amorie believes that better life begins with better communication, and is passionate in working with people who seek to improve their life in any circumstances by improving their communication skills. She tweets from @AmorieLim.

Culled from Life Hack

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