Keto Diet

For beginners, starting a Ketogenic diet plan can prove quite challenging. Health experts recommend 15% Keto diet protein, 75% fat and 10% carbs. With the variations evident in these compositions, it is easy to understand why most people find themselves thoroughly confused along the way.

Considering the intake of proteins, it will be great to start by noting that amino acids are essential for day-to-day functioning of the human body.

Since the human body is not able to synthesize this essential dietary element, the only viable option left is obtaining it from sources such as seafood and other animal proteins.

Although proteins have great nutritional benefits, it is important that one restrains protein intake to maximize the gains of a ketogenic diet. Restriction in this case is subject to several factors. We will delve deeper into some of the factors that can influence the protein levels in keto diet for beginners.

Medical history

Some people have a poor diet history. This makes adjusting to higher protein intake a little more difficult. There are also those with steady energy levels throughout the day. In such cases, higher intake of Keto proteins is recommended. Generally, someone’s lifestyle and medical history ought to be a critical consideration in determining the appropriate levels of protein intake.

Personal goals

People get into Ketogenic diets for various reasons. While some are strictly medical, others simply adopt such diets as part of a weight loss plan. Consequently, different people will require different protein levels depending on their individual goals. For someone who is seeking healthy weight loss, moderate amounts of protein levels will be appropriate in controlling the blood sugar levels while keeping you full. Again, the issue of gender also creeps in. Men tend to require more proteins when undertaking Ketogenic diets compared to their female counterparts.

For those adopting Ketogenic diets due to medical conditions such as epilepsy and cancer, it is advisable to maintain elevated ketones even as they work on lowering mTOR and insulin levels. Observably, the protein levels should be kept low in this case. However, the doctor’s recommendations reign supreme when adopting Keto diet in such scenarios.

Activity levels

Unlike sedentary individuals, active people experience higher metabolism and are likely to get hungrier. As such, there is need for higher protein intake even as they observe Ketogenic diet. For active people, intake of 1.4-2.5 g per kg of lean body mass is recommended. In the case of less active people, 1-1.5g of protein per kg of lean body mass should be taken.

Personal preferences

When it comes to long-term endurance of Keto diet, personal preference plays a critical role. In most cases, only people who enjoy it continue for long. For instance, those who love proteins can easily opt for higher intake of keto diet protein. Even in doing so, they should keep the levels within the optimal range.

By now, you have a good idea of the role of protein in Keto diet. Even more, you understand the various factors that are important in considering ideal Keto protein intake. Planning your Keto meals with this information in mind will help you reap the most out of your diet.



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