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New York
Monday, February 10, 2025


Daily Meditations

Daily Meditations: Words Are Creative Not Just Communicative

The first recorded words spoken on earth are "let there be light" - Genesis 1:3 proving that as far as earth is concerned, the...

Daily Meditations: Rejection Should Be A Springboard For Success

Don't see rejection by others as a setback. Don't even step back because men reject you. The best use for rejection is to use...

Daily Meditations: Prosperity Does Not Come From Receiving

It is a misnomer to think that you can get rich by taking and that a giver gets poorer by giving.No. Consider agriculture. Every...

Daily Meditations: Believe Rather Than If

To get anything from God, you have to approach Him in faith. If you come to Him with ifs, it means your faith is...

Daily Meditations: The Key To The John 10:10 Abundant Life

Have you ever or are currently feeling depressed, anxious, unworthy or generally not liking yourself? The the way we feel is dependent on what...

Daily Meditations: God Is Greater Than Your Feelings!

Whenever you don't feel close to God, read Hebrews 13:5 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you'. After reading this verse, ask...

Daily Meditations: Two Types Of Beliefs

Many people see the good things God has done for others and they believe God, but God is actually looking for people who believe...

Daily Meditations: The Purpose For Man’s Creation

In our relationship with God, we should not confuse pleasure with love. God loves everybody in equal measure. In fact, it has been noted...

Daily Meditations: Reclaiming Your True Citizenship

Suppose you lived in the poorest nation in this world, yet you were an ambassador of the richest nation, it makes sense that you...

Daily Meditations: The Value Of Opinions

If you want to know how valuable other people's opinions are, try to pay your bills with their opinions. Doing this will help you...

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