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7 Simple Tips To Choose The Best Life Coach In The UK

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[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e are probably familiar with that moment when something unexpected happens that we are not prepared for – a crisis, emergency, or any incident that puts us in a state of shock. Such unexpected events can range from anything such as losing your job, a life-threatening medical condition, or even a global crisis such as Covid-19.

As you stumble the roadblock, your mind goes blank, and you struggle to cope with it. While most of us seem to pick-up and tackle the different challenges life throws at us, sometimes we need help. This is where an expert life coach can come to your aid and provide effective intervention in your life to help you stay prepared for the unexpected and keep moving on.

Life coaching is not majorly regulated in the UK, so there is no need for special qualifications to start coaching or mentoring people on potentially life-changing decisions. Due to the lack of regulation, it’s difficult to know how many life coaches there are in the UK.

Still, the number of coaches registered with the International Coach Federation, ballooned from 1,500 in 1999 to over 17,000 coaches across a total of 34 countries by 2013. This bears testimony to the spiraling growth of life coaches in the UK.

However, a credible life coach UK has on offer should have the right accreditations to start with. Else, they might not have the expertise and experience to provide a meaningful impact in your life. Here’s how you can select the right life coach in London who is well-qualified to do the job:

Picking the Best Life Coach in UK

Do your Research

Anyone can set up a website, upload a bunch of inspiring videos, and claim they are life coaches. Therefore it’s vital to do your research and look for valuable accreditations from an authoritative regulatory body in the UK and other points of credibility to help you pick the right coach.

Besides, look for membership or association with a professional body in the UK, such as BACP Coaching, the EMCC, the ICF, the AC or the AICTP, etc.

Look for Proof

If you were to go on a holiday to the most popular UK destinations, you would probably look up reviews and recommendations of the best places. Likewise, a sensitive and tough decision to choose the best life coach demands the same approach of assessing reviews and customer testimonials. You can generally find first-hand accounts of their clientele on their website and social media channels.

Not Everybody is an Expert

Next, assess the qualifications and specific skills of the life coach. Do they employ the latest psychoanalytical tools in the UK, such as Neuro-linguistic programming and other assessments to perfectly gauge your thinking, feeling and actions? If so, the top life coach in the UK should have comprehensive qualifications and skills for such capabilities. They should have undergone substantial groundwork of research in London as a premise for their clinical practice as a life coach.

Experience Counts

Moving a bit further than qualifications and proof, another testament of credibility is the experience of the life coach in London. How long have they been a coach, and what was their experience before that? They should have relevant experience in the field that made them take up life coaching, and so their entire line of experience counts.

Regardless of their age, a great coach has seen and worked with people from all walks of life, including celebrities, entrepreneurs and in general, all sections of the crowd in London.

Look at their Approach

Before meeting the coach in person, it’s important to know of their approach to see if it matches your concerns. Perhaps a video or other resources can give insights into their style of working and demonstrate their expertise in the field.

Exploratory Session to Reduce Risk

Before you give your nod to working with them, you would want to set up an initial consultation to see if you have good rapport with the coach. Since you might have to open up a great deal and be transparent to your coach, it pays to get a feel of what you can expect out of coaching.

Not all life coaches in the UK offer an initial consultation, but you should definitely seek one to see if it’s the right fit for you. An exploratory session can help you get off the course.

Registered and Insured

The top life coaches in London are certified and insured to assure safety and confidentiality to their clients in London. They should follow ethical practice and undergo regular supervision from a regulated London medical board.

If you are looking to find the best life coach in the UK, the above are some factors to consider. Seek help when you need it the most; a perspective of an outsider who has the right qualifications to put your life straight can help a great deal to make a strong impact in your life.

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