Right from slimming belts to some bizarre diets, today we are discussing fitness and diet fads that you must stop following today. Here’s a look at our list of the top 5 craziest weight loss tips. Read on…
1. Ab-belts. Slim sauna belts are the new rage, having taken the weight loss industry by storm. Generally sold as portable, easy-to-use solutions to weight loss, they do nothing but give its user an illusion of weight loss. They simply don’t work and are in no way going to pass an electrical current that will melt the fat within minutes. The concept of jiggling abdominal fat to lose weight merely promotes the false belief that spot targeting can work. If weight loss were this easy, fitness would be a walk in the park.
2. Slimming creams. There are skin creams that are claimed to be the ultimate solutions to weight loss. But medically speaking, there is no evidence to prove the benefits of these creams. All they can do is give you an illusion of tighter and smoother skin, and to some extent appear to reduce cellulite. Sold as miracle creams, slimming creams cannot spot train your body. Only cardio and strength exercises, when worked together on a regular basis can help with healthy weight loss.
3. Fiber-based weight loss products. These products claim to absorb liquid and swell up the stomach, which as a result may curb hunger pangs. However, it is seen that some fillers, such as guar gum, can lead to severe blockages in the stomach or esophagus. Then there are starch blockers, which claim to block or hold up the starch in your diet leading to a reduced urge or eating. However, it is seen that these starch blockers can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pains.
4. Plastic wrap your body and lose weight! Touted by spa chains, this one is a tall claim indeed. The procedure involves applying a herbal substance dipped plastic wrap to the body part, which causes excessive sweating. This apparently aims at detoxifying the body and thus aids in losing weight.
One of the main dangers attached to this procedure is excessive fluid loss. Apart from this, the plastic that they use is made from Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which has been claimed to be a dangerous consumer product. Also, do note that plastic wraps will not lead to lose weight, however they might just keep your water weight in check thus giving you an illusion of inch loss.
This procedure is particularly unsafe for people who are diabetic, have high blood pressure or are pregnant. Stay away from such weight loss gimmicks because you wouldn’t like toxic plastic substances entering your skin and bloodstream, would you?
5. Tapeworm diet. A diet that sounds like it’s straight out of a horror movie, the tapeworm diet takes the cake in our craziest weight loss tips countdown. This diet propogates eating tapeworms, thereby letting the worms chew on the carb or excess food content, making you lose weight. If you are still not grossed out by the creepy, wiggly, ribbon-shaped creatures living inside you and laying million of eggs, then do note that tapeworms can lead to loss of nutrients and vitamins in your body (especially vitamin B12).