Some people have far too much time on their hands. Just saying.
Dear kids of the 90s – once upon a time, before the internet ruled the world, people relied on flyers and community spirit to help them find their lost pets and generally spread the word about cool s*** going down.
Nowadays however, public announcement posters are just basically a vehicle for people’s excess sarcasm.
Not that we’re complaining, because let’s be honest, life’s tough, and who are we to turn down a free lol.
So, here are 22 totally pointless posters of absolute joy.
1. The one which personifies the internet
2. The one for the geek in all of us
3. The one that’s like totally meta
4. The one where all you see is FREE DRINKS!
5. The one that went too far
6. The one that’s a bit TMI
7. The one which we really hope is a joke
8. The one which seemed really funny at the time
9. The one that’s gonna leave some kid in tears
10. The one the millennials won’t get
11. The one that doubles as a personality test
12. The one you kinda feel bad laughing at
13. The one that’s strangely tempting
14. The one that’s really unhelpful
15. The one about the one that got away
16. The one that was really wild
17. The one with the really awesome artwork
18. The one that’s totes lols
19. The one with only one right answer
20. The one that scares the s*** out of you
21. The one that puts you off your tea
22. The one with a purpose