The parents of two teens who attended high school with a student found dead in a rolled up gym mat are suing Ebony magazine over its coverage of the case.
Kendrick Johnson was only 17 when he died under mysterious circumstances at Lowndes High School in Valdosta, Geogia. Investigators ruled the death an accident, but suspicions grew after it was determined that surveillance cameras inexplicably weren’t functioning correctly at the time of the teen’s death.
Johnson’s family also hired an independent coroner who noted other abnormalities, such as bruising against Johnson’s neck which was not consistent with an accidental death.
After this information was revealed, Johnson’s family and supporters quickly dismissed the idea that the teen dιed after slipping into a gym mat to retrieve his shoe, which was the conclusion reached by Georgia investigators.
Ebony magazine is being sued over a series of articles by Frederic Rosen, which cast suspicion on two of Johnson’s classmates. Even though the students were given fictitious names in the articles, the parents are still suing for slander.
“In a November 19, 2013 article entitled ‘Tweets From Possible Suspects Raise Eyebrows’, Rosen stated that a white sophomore high school football player fictitiously named Chris Martin, as well as his older brother fictitiously named Clark Martin (a LCHS senior), both sons of a Valdosta FBI agent, were ‘possible suspects’ in KJ’s mυrder,” the lawsuit states. “[The article] goes on to state that Chris Martin had the motive to mυrder KJ because of previous fights they had, resulting in a ‘prior animus’ going back at least two years.”
Parents of the two students named in the Ebony story say their sons received threats after the story was published.
In addition to the $5 million dollars, the parents also want a retraction from Ebony. At the time of this report, Ebony had not responded to the lawsuit.
(via Black Like Moi)