[dropcap]P[/dropcap]astor William Kumuyi, who says we should not attack President Muhammadu Buhari, has much to learn from these words. If the world had remained silent in the face of Hitler’s Nazis we would not be here today.
If Moses had remained silent in the face of Pharaoh’s tyranny the Jews would still be slaves in Egypt.
If Elijah and Jehu had remained silent in the face of Jezebel’s tyranny Israel would never have been delivered. If Peter had remained silent in the face of Herod’s tyranny he would never have left prison.
If Samuel had remained silent in the face of Agag and the Amalekites the Jews would have been decimated. If Esther had remained silent in the face of Haman the Jewish race would have been wiped out.
If Hezekiah had remained silent in the face of Sennacherub, Jerusalem would have fallen.
[pull_quote_center]”History teaches us of the danger of being afraid to speak truth to power”- Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, 2nd June 2019.[/pull_quote_center]
The Bible tells us that we must resist evil, oppose injustice, stand up for the oppressed, liberate the downtrodden, speak for the voiceless, defend the persecuted, inspire the faithful and set the captives free. Has Kumuyi forgotten all that?
Does he know the meaning and understand the concept of liberation theology?
Is he familiar with the great role that the Church played in liberating Southern American countries from military dictatorships in the 20th century, in fighting for the abolition of slavery in the 19th century and in destroying apartheid in South Africa in the 20th century?
Does he know that the primary purpose of any great man or leader is to liberate his people, oppose tyranny and fight injustice?
Does he know how many great men and women of faith died for these noble causes and stood against these great evils and so many others?
Has he heard of Gideon, Jeptha, David, Daniel, Jehu, Samson, Peter and Paul in the Bible. Did they not oppose evil, speak out against injustice and stand against tyrants in their day?
Every single one of the Lords disciples died for their faith by defying and opposing the tyranny of the rulers of the land. Some were beheaded, cut to pieces or fed to wild beasts whilst others were boiled to death or burnt alive.
In Nigeria today we are facing the greatest, most deadly, most relentlesss and most glaring Fulanisation and Islamisation agenda in the history of our country and it is unfolding before our very eyes.
Hundreds of people are being slaughtered every day and genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass murder is alive and well in our shores.
All this and someone is telling us not to attack the man that is responsible for it by his actions and inactions?
More Nigerians have been slaughtered by Islamist terrorists and ISIS-backed Fulani militias in the last four years in our country than at any other time in our history other than during the civil war. Yet this man says we must kepo quite and not speak out?
Are we to say that Rev. Martin Luther King jnr. was wrong for speaking out against racism in America and insisting on civil liberties and human rights for black Americans? Are we to say that Oliver Cromwell was wrong for opposing the concept and philosophy of the divine right of Kings and establishing Parliamentary democracy in England?
Are we to say the French, the Americans, the Italians, the Ugandans, the Scottish, the Chinese, the Zimbabweans, the Turks, the Ethiopians and the Spanish were wrong when they resisted tyranny and fought wars for their liberation, values, freedom and independence? Are we to say that all those that fought against military rule, fascism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, barbarism and colonial rule in the past throughout the world and throughout the ages were wrong? Are we to say that the people of the Soviet Union were wrong for speaking out against the barbarity, cruelty, oppression and wickedness of the godless Soviet state? Are we to say that the Orghuz tribes of Turkey were wrong to stand up against the evil of the Mongol empire?
Are we to say that the Afghan people were wrong for opposing their Taliban government and removing them? Are we to say that the Biafrans were wrong for opposing genocide against their people before and during the Nigerian civil war? Are we to say the people of southern Nigeria and the Middle Belt are wrong for resisting slavery, terror, bondage and servitude? Are we to say that the people of the core north are wrong for speaking out against mass murder and ethnic cleansing by Boko Haram and Fulani militias?
Are we to say that the Shiite Muslims are wrong for saying no to tyranny, persecution and mass murder? Are we to say that Christians in Nigeria are wrong for speaking out against annihilation, religious cleansing, Janjaweed militias, ISIS West Africa, ethnic cleansing, persecution, marginalisation, daily insults, humiliation, death, destruction and wholesale and unadulterated evil? Is that what Kumuyi and his ignorant and impressionable cheerleaders want? Do they know the heavy price that was paid over the last 59 years for the relative freedom that they are enjoying today?
Is it wrong for our people to speak out when a presidential election is rigged, when their candidate is robbed, when their aspirations are rubbished and when their dreams are destroyed?
Is stealing a presidential mandate not the greatest crime of all? Is it not worse than staging a coup d’etat? Yet we are told that we must shut up and keep quiet and that we must even pray for those that have robbed us and violated our most basic fundamental right: the right to be governed and led by whoever we choose.
By his shameful words and his bogus and misleading counsel Kumuyi has spat on the blood and pissed on the graves of every single Christian martyr that ever sacrificed their lives for the faith by opposing tyranny, injustice and evil.
He has also insulted our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself who opposed the devil, the rulers of this world and the Kingdom of Darknes and died for our sins. He has belittled Jesus’ suffering on the cross and sought to destroy the purpose of his ministry.
If he can say we must not attack Buhari
the next thing he will say is that we must not attack satan and that we must forgive and love the devil.
What will he say to the man who just came back from the United Kingdom, who was abducted, together with his whole family, by Fulani terrorists and whose wife and 9 year old daughter were raped before his very eyes. Worse still after they finished raping them they sodomised and raped him too.
This is not an isolated event and it happens to people all over the country every day. Buhari’s primary duty and obligation is to protect us from such demonic entities and wild beasts yet instead of doing so he protects them and refuses to disarm them or label them as terrorists simply because they share his faith and come from his Fulani tribe.
All this yet Kumuyi says we must not attack him or criticise him. What type of madness and strange logic is this? What has gripped the mind and seized the conscience of a man that was once revered by all and that established one of the biggest and greatest Churches in the world? What has led to this degeneration and this level of chicanery, double-speak, cowardice and deceit? Is it fear? Is it greed? Is it ignorance? Is it depravity? Or is it madness?
Shepherds are meant to protect their sheep from ravenous wolves and hungry lions. They are meant to give them hope: they are not meant to sacrifice them to wild beasts and cruel rulers as a weekly blood offering.
It appears that senility and dementia have set in and eroded this once great preacher’s anointing. Worse still cowardice and greed have shattered his his mantle of leadership, decimated his calling and destroyed his credibility. It is time for him to take a break, go home and rest.
I urge everyone to ignore his manifestly irresponsible counsel and to oppose and attack the policies and person of Muhammadu Buhari as much as they deem fit. That is what democracy is all about. Presidents are meant to serve the people and not to be worshipped by them.
May God deliver us from shepherds that slaughter the sheep, that defend the cruel, that support injustice, that love the wicked, that serve the tyrant, that despise the weak, that enslave the poor and that worship genocidal maniacs and sociopathic butchers.
I can only thank God that we still have men of God in this country that are more than ready to speak truth to power and that have proved their worth.
Men like David Oyedepo, David Abioye, T.B. Joshua, Paul Enenche, David Ibiyeomi, Johnson Suleiman, Matthew Hassan Kukah, Tunde Bakare, John Onaiyekan, Paul Adefarasin, Isah El Buba, Samson Ayokunle, Nicholas Okoh, Ayo Oritsejafor, John Praise, Sam Oye, Mike Okonkwo, Sarah Omaku, Daniel Olukoya and so many others.
They are the saving grace of the Church in Nigeria. They are the true servants of the Most High God.
As for those that have chosen to remain silent despite the evil and tyranny in the land and those, like Kumuyi, who have failed in their calling and told us all to keep quiet and not attack Buhari, I say “shame on you!”
Femi Fani-Kayode is a lawyer, a Nigerian politician, an evangelical christian, an essayist, a poet and he was the Special Assistant (Public Affairs) to President Olusegun Obasanjo from July 2003 until June 2006. He was the minister of culture and tourism of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from June 22nd to Nov 7th 2006 and as the minister of Aviation from Nov 7th 2006 to May 29th 2007. He runs a syndicated column on The Trent. He tweets from@realFFK.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author.