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New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024



The Science Behind the Mind-Body Connection: A Harmonious Interplay

The mind-body connection is a term that denotes the interdependence and interaction between mental and physical health. For years, this relationship was considered more...

Journey to Wholeness: Navigating The 3 Pillars of Healing Meditation

In the fast-paced, stress-ridden world we inhabit, tranquility often seems like an elusive state. However, there are ways to achieve balance and cultivate inner...

6 Ways To Transform Your Second Bedroom Into A Relaxing & Spiritual Sanctuary

In the modern world of 2021, it has become increasingly hard to find time to practice self-care and reconnect with our spirituality. With winter...

Feeling Anxious? Try Natural Remedies Like CBD Oil And Meditation

When was the last time you felt anxious or afraid that something bad will happen? From feeling anxious about the first day of college...

12 Scientific Proven Benefits Of Meditation

The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its benefits. Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect...

12 Benefits Of Meditation Backed By Science

The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its benefits. Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect...

10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast

by  Jeannette Moninger Relax. You deserve it, it's good for you, and it takes less time than you think. You don't need a spa weekend or...

6 Ways We Can Hear God’s Voice

by Greg Simas Communication is the foundation to any relationship. Communication is about connecting, contributing, loving, strengthening and encouraging others. We are designed to live...

21 Ways To Build A Stronger Spiritual Life

Because we live in a culture that increasingly leans toward commercialism, materialism, and secularism, it is not always easy to keep the soul nourished. The...

10 Ways to Improve Depression And Anxiety Without Drugs

by Sheenie Ambardar, M.D. As a psychiatrist trained in psychopharmacology, it would be easy for me to rely exclusively on psychiatric medications as the be-all,...

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