While the spotlight is on the mother-to-be during the nine months of pregnancy — she has to deal with hormonal changes and carry the baby in her womb — her husband’s support during these months is also extremely important. However, it can be a challenging time for many expectant fathers who are often at sea, when it comes to dealing with their wife’s mood swings or specific needs during these months. Says psychologist Dr Sanjoy Mukerji, “Usually, a first-time father is more nervous than the mother. They have no idea what’s going inside the womb and tend to be overprotective of the child and mother, thus, sometimes overreacting which may cause a chaotic situation. Counselling the dad-to-be is as vital as the expecting mother.”
For all dads-to-be, here’s your guide to surviving your wife’s pregnancy.
1. Hear her out: Pregnancy and childbirth can be overwhelming, especially if you’re having your first baby. So, let your partner know that she can vent to you about anything, be it her anxiety about an upcoming sonography or if she will make a good mom. Allay her fears and make her feel better. However, it is also important for you to talk about your own anxieties. After all, both of you are a team.
2. Be informed: Read up on pregnancy books in advance and do online research to understand what your partner will go through each trimester. “It’s essential for a to-be-dad to accumulate information about pregnancy, so that when the wife feels dizzy or pukish, they know how to deal with situations. Generally, they end up trying home remedies and give ayurvedic medicines to comfort her, but if the husband has read about the conditions of pregnancy, he will know that it is normal and often happens to pregnant women; they should make her feel better with offering water and help her relax,” says Dr Mukerji.
3. Accompany her to the doctor’s: Mark the doctor’s visits on your calendar. After all, accompanying her for pre-natal doctor’s appointment will not only lend her moral support, it will also help you understand the changes going on in her body. Moreover, it will also give you a chance to get expert advice on any queries related to pregnancy.
4. Offer help: During these months, your wife will not only be physically tired, but emotionally vulnerable too. So be extra nice and offer help, instead of her reaching out to you. Whether it is cleaning the house more often or running to the nearest grocery store, make a to-do list for yourself and ensure that you check off these items while managing your work schedules.
5. Do couple activities: Accompany your wife on her evening walks and exercise together. You can also enroll yourself in prenatal yoga for expecting couples. “When my wife was pregnant with our first baby, even I would do the exercises she was told to do,” says Rajesh Sanghavi, a city based professional. Dr Mukerji adds, “The bottom line is to spend time together, as even you may experience the baby’s movements.”
6. Indulge her: This is a good time to add some romance to your relationship because once the baby is born, rest assured, the first couple of months would only mean late nights and tending the baby’s needs. Understand that your wife is pregnant and not sick. Think about ways to improve her mood. You could cook up her favourite dish or take her out for a candlelit dinner.
7. Plan a babymoon: While the first trimester can lead to a lot of anxiety in your partner due to morning sickness and nausea, second trimester is your best bet to enjoy the pregnancy glow. This time is often recommended for taking a ‘babymoon’ — one last pre-baby vacation.
8. Get ready: Once the last few weeks of the pregnancy approach, get your wife’s hospital bag ready. Make a contact list of relatives you need to inform when the baby arrives. Also, baby-proof your house and keep all the paraphernalia — clothes, diaper bags, medicine, etc — ready in advance, so that life is easier when the mother and the baby arrive home from hospital.