The most famous Egyptian pharaoh, King Tutankhamun, was mummified but that s not exactly the news as he one part of him was man-sized showing his enormous hard-on.
Although colloquially referred to as King Tut, his original name, Tutankhaten, means “Living Image of Aten”, while Tutankhamun means “Living Image of Amun”.
Experts are of the view that his ‘eternal erection’ was meant to make the late King look like the the ancient Egyptian God Osiris.
The mummified organ, which stands at a 90 degree angle, symbolises the ancient gods’ power of regeneration.

Shortly after Tut was discovered, his broke off – leading to rumours that someone had stolen his penis.
Salima Ikram of Cairo’s American University wrote: “As far as I know, no other mummy has been found thus far with an erect penis.
“The erect penis evokes Osiris at his most powerfully regenerative moment, and is a feature of ‘corn-mummies,’ the quintessential symbols of rebirth and resurrection.”