Leading micro-blogging social media platform, Twitter has released its list of the Top Tweets for 2013.
Leading the year are tweets on the passing of ‘Glee’ star Cory Monteith by girlfriend Lea Michele, the US’s Superbowl and Beyonce’s performance, Kate Middleton and Prince Williams’ baby, Prince George, the passing of Fast & Furious star, Paul Walker, the Oscars, the Boston Marathon, and Make A Wish’s Batman kids.
The most popular tweets of 2013 follow the hashtags #GoldenTweets, #SuperBowl, #RoyalBaby, #Oscars, #BostonMarathon, #SFBatkids.
We present some of them below:
It's with a heavy heart that we must confirm Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident…MORE: http://t.co/9hDuJMH99M – #TeamPW
— Paul Walker (@RealPaulWalker) December 1, 2013
This photo of #SFBatKid is everything. Thanks for making our city safe, Miles! pic.twitter.com/cdaz1lMOx3
— Carmen Kiew (@carmenkiew) November 16, 2013
We want to thank the great folks at @CleverGirlsColl @Clever_Network & @twitter for their help on Friday! #SFBatkid pic.twitter.com/y2aBU02GP8
— Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area (@SFWish) November 18, 2013
Y'all can keep watching the game but I think it's safe to say Beyonce just won the Super Bowl.
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) February 4, 2013
First picture as Duke & Duchess of Cambridge leave hospital with #RoyalBaby http://t.co/c4XQIFLhx2 & pic.twitter.com/pzcoOSJtN0
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) July 23, 2013
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) February 4, 2013
Watching the #SuperBowl with family & friends. @Beyonce was phenomenal! I am so proud of her! -mo
— First Lady- Archived (@FLOTUS44) February 4, 2013
Almost ready to sing at the @Superbowl! Is this football appropriate? Heels are my version of cleets! 😉#SB47 pic.twitter.com/KqoIgNKW
— Alicia Keys (@aliciakeys) February 3, 2013
Happy #Oscars night. pic.twitter.com/xRO5hEBoHS
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) February 25, 2013
Made new friends tonite! Power actress!!! pic.twitter.com/SI0nUNKJTI
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) February 25, 2013
BREAKING NEWS: Two powerful explosions detonated in quick succession right next to the Boston Marathon finsh line this afternoon.
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) April 15, 2013
Explosion at coply pic.twitter.com/EqKbGeWhha
— Dan Lampariello (@DanLampNews) April 15, 2013
Police react in aftermath of explosion #bostonmarathon #boylstonst (John Tlumacki photo) pic.twitter.com/pfgPjcPZAZ
— Boston Globe Sports (@BGlobeSports) April 15, 2013
And, finally,
CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody.
— Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) April 20, 2013