When you are fighting a fever it is already accepted that you need to keep drinking fluids in order to prevent you from becoming dehydrated. However, there are also a number of foods that you are also advised to eat due to the various healing properties that they tend to have.
What follows are just four such examples although it is worth noting that there are a whole host of other things that could appease you and give you some nourishment while your body tackles the invaders.
1. Chicken soup
If you thought that it was just some old tale about chicken soup being good for a fever think again. Instead, it does actually make a difference as it contains antioxidants, protein, and it even acts as a decongestant and science has managed to prove that there is no doubt that it improves your immune system. Try to make sure that it also contains vegetables as they are also fantastic at fighting fever as well as being a source of various nutrients and minerals.
2. Buttered toast
When it comes to something absolutely basic to fall back on, then a slice of toast will help to give you something in your stomach and help you to feel just that little bit better. If you have not eaten for some time give this a go as it will allow you to see if you can even stomach the most basic of flavors and tastes and then if you feel adventurous try some marmalade on it instead. If you then start to feel unwell with something else that you are trying to eat do remember that you can use this as a last resort to stave off those hunger pains.
3. Citrus fruits
Give some serious consideration to eating some citrus fruits because not only are they crammed full of vitamins, but they are also a powerful antioxidant. Citrus fruits are also a good anti-inflammatory, so they can help to ease some of the discomfort that you will be feeling. The only thing that you need to be concerned about is taking too much as it could have a negative effect on your stomach and you may regret it later on.
4. Fish
Try your best to eat some fish even if it is relatively bland and boring along with it not being accompanied by much else. Fish is high in B6 and B12 vitamins as well as zinc and all of this is going to just give your immune system a bit of a boost. If you go for something such as salmon it will also give you high concentrations of Omega 3 and this alone can really benefit your entire body.
Those are just four different foods that you should consider trying to fight a fever. However, the best food at the outset is just anything that you find to be tasty and edible since your taste buds will be shot to pieces. Keep things relatively plain as too much seasoning could turn your already fragile stomach and the last thing you want is to bring it all back again and remove all of that goodness from your system.
(via Easy Good Health)