Honourable Seriake Dickson, the Bayelsa State Governor also representing the Bayelsa state branch of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, on Friday, May 1, 2015 stated that there will be consequences of disloyalty amond party members.
This is due to the fact that some PDP chieftains have been accused to have gone rouge and helped to sabotage the party into loosing the Presidential seats alongside some key states.
He also assured that the members of the PDP in the state alongside other major stake holders in the party national level, would work assiduously to reorganise the party with a view to regaining political power at the national level come 2019.
He said ‘The era of indiscipline and disloyalty that has bedeviled this party in this state is over for good. People should take this message home. We want honest and genuine members who understand the meaning of being a party man or woman and being a party official means subordinating personal interest for group interest.
‘I have come to deliver a message of hope. The state is solidly PDP. The issue of indiscipline will be dealt with,” he said, noting that, “in the next couple of days the report of those disloyal members will be out and they will all be gone.’ he said.
Workshops according to him will be organised to sensitize its members towards repositioning the party as a formidable political platform to be reckoned with.
Governor Dickson also mentioned that he would hold consultations with the party leadership to organize a thanksgiving service to acknowledge the role of God in the affairs of the state, as there has been relative peace and stability, since he came on board as well as a victory rally to demonstrate the PDP’s supremacy at the state level.
On issues of indiscipline and anti-party activities, the Governor said, the leadership of the party was awaiting the report of the committee reviewing the conduct of party officials during the last elections, stressing that, those found culpable would be expelled from the party.
He also said, the Government was working closely with the party leadership to organize a rousing reception for President Goodluck Jonathan, calling on members to come out in their numbers to give him a heroic welcome on Friday, 29 May, 2015.
‘It would be an emotional event for some of us receiving the President of the country, who is from the state.’